@Article{ Rodriguez_Kjerstine_Mustieles_Couderq_Fini_VELA_MOLINA_Fernando_Wielsøe_Long_Bonefeld-jorgensen_Olea-Serrano_Vinggaard_FERNANDEZ:143-154,

author = { Andrea Rodriguez Castillo and Anna Kjerstine Rosenmai and Viocente Mustieles and Stephan Couderq and Jean-baptiste Fini and FERNANDO VELA SORIA and JOSE MANUEL MOLINA MOLINA and Patricia Fernando Marco and Maria Wielsøe and Manhai Long and Eva Bonefeld-jorgensen and Nicolas Olea-Serrano and Ana Vinggaard and MARIANA FATIMA FERNANDEZ CABRERA } ,

title = { Assessment of chemical mixtures using biomarkers of combined biological activity: A screening study in human placentas },

journal = { Reproductive Toxicology },

year = { 2021 },

volume = { 100 },

pages = { 143-154 },
