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J.M. Molina Molina, M. Real , I. Jiménez-Díaz, H. Belhassen, A. Hedhili, P. Torne Poyatos, M.F. Fernandez Cabrera
N. Olea-Serrano,
"Assessment of estrogenic and anti-androgenic activities of the mycotoxin zearalenone and its metabolites using in vitro receptor-specific bioassays", "Food and Chemical Toxicology"
, vol.74, 233-239, 2014
J.P. Arrebola-Moreno, J. Pumarega, M. Gasull, M.F. Fernandez Cabrera, P. Martin-Olmedo, J.M. Molina Molina, M. Fernández-Rodríguez, M. Porta, N. Olea-Serrano
M. Fernández-Rodríguez,
"Adipose tissue concentrations of persistent organic pollutants and prevalence of type 2 diabetes in adults from Southern Spain", "Environmental Research"
, vol.122, 31-37, 2013
M.F. Fernandez Cabrera "Trend in lead exposure in the Spanish child population in the last 20 years. An unrecognized example of health in all policies?", "Gaceta Sanitaria"
, vol.27, 149-155, 2013
N. Vilahur, M.F. Fernandez Cabrera
J. Sunyer ,
"Storage conditions and stability of global DNA methylation in placental tissue.", "Epigenomics (Print)"
, vol.5, 341-348, 2013
M. Camargo, A. Prieto, F. Resende, P. Boldrin, C. Cardoso, M.F. Fernandez Cabrera, J.M. Molina Molina, N. Olea-Serrano, W. Vilegas , O. Cuesta-Rubio
E. Varanda ,
"Evaluation of estrogenic, antiestrogenic and genotoxic activity of nemorosone, the major compound found in brown Cuban propolis", "BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine"
, vol.13, 1-8, 2013
A. Bergman, A.M. Andersson, N. Olea Serrano
T. Zoeller,
"Science and policy on endocrine disrupters must not be mixed: a reply to a "common sense" intervention by toxicology journal editors", "Environmental Health (London. 2002. Online)"
, vol.12, 1-4, 2013
C. Freire Warden
S. Koifman,
"Pesticides, depression and suicide: A systematic review of the epidemiological evidence", "International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health"
, vol.216, 445-460, 2013
M.F. Fernandez Cabrera
J.A. Castilla-Alcala,
"Proposal of guidelines for the appraisal of SEMen QUAlity studies (SEMQUA).", "Human Reproduction"
, vol.28, 10-21, 2013
SICA last updated: 10/01/2024