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L. Bajard, M.F. Fernandez Cabrera, A.F. Hernández Jerez, V. Mustieles and L. Blaha,  "Application of AOPs to assist regulatory assessment of chemical risks ¿ case studies, needs and recommendations",  Environmental Research, vol.217 , 114650-, 2023
M.D.M. Salinas Asensio, O. Ocón Hernández, A. Mundo-López, C. Fernández Lao, F. Peinado, M.C. Padilla-Vinuesa, F. Álvarez, P. Postigo-Martin, M. Lozano Lozano, A. Lara-Ramos, M. Arroyo Morales, I. Cantarero Villanueva and F. Artacho Cordón,  "'Physio-EndEA' Study: A Randomized, Parallel-Group Controlled Trial to Evaluate the Effect of a Supervised and Adapted Therapeutic Exercise Program to Improve Quality of Life in Symptomatic Women Diagnosed with Endometriosis",  International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , -, 2022
L.M. Iribarne-Durán, L. Serrano, F.M. Peinado, M. Peña-Caballero, J.A. Hurtado, F. Vela-Soria, M.F. Fernandez Cabrera, C. Freire-Warden, F. Artacho Cordón and N. Olea-Serrano,  "Biomonitoring bisphenols, parabens, and benzophenones in breast milk from a human milk bank in Southern Spain",  Science of the Total Environment , -, 2022
F. Artacho Cordón, F. Gil Hernández and P. Olmedo Palma,  "Concentrations and determinants of lead, mercury, cadmium, and arsenic in pooled donor breast milk in Spain",  International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, vol.240 , 113914-, 2022
F. Artacho Cordón "Concentrations of bisphenols, parabens, and benzophenones in human breast milk: A systematic review and meta-analysis",  Science of the Total Environment , -, 2022
A. Rodriguez-Carrillo, S.C. D Cruz, V. Mustieles, B. Suarez Gonzalez, F. Smagulova, A. David, F.M. Peinado, F. Artacho Cordón, L.C. López, J.P. Arrebola-Moreno, N. Olea-Serrano, M.F. Fernandez Cabrera and C. Freire-Warden,  "Exposure to non-persistent pesticides, BDNF, and behavioral function in adolescent males: Exploring a novel effect biomarker approach",  Environmental Research , -, 2022
I. Reina-Perez, A. Olivas-Martinez, V. Mustieles, E. Salamanca, J.M. Molina Molina, N. Olea-Serrano and M.F. Fernandez Cabrera,  "The Mixture of Bisphenol-A and Its Substitutes Bisphenol-S and Bisphenol-F Exerts Obesogenic Activity on Human Adipose-Derived Stem Cells",  Toxics, vol.10 , 287-, 2022
M. Wielsøe, A. Rodriguez-Carrillo, J.M. Molina Molina, V. Mustieles, M.F. Fernandez Cabrera, N. Olea-Serrano and E. Bonefeld-Jørgensen,  "Real-life PFAS placenta mixtures and estrogen activities", "Real-life PFAS placenta mixtures and estrogen activities", None-None, 2021

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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